Is the Book of Enoch inspired? There are a growing number of people, especially among the Hebrew Roots community, who would say yes. However, is this truth or just another part of the end time delusion? People, who advocate for the acceptance of the Book of Enoch as inspired text, typically make the following points: 1. There is one Enoch in the bible that was bad and another who was good and this book is from the good Enoch. 2. The Book of Enoch was once part of scripture but the Catholic Church removed it. 3. Yeshua (Jesus) quoted from the Book of Enoch. 4. The bible is incomplete without the Book of Enoch to explain certain events in more detail. 5. The Book of Enoch gives us needed detail about the true biblical cosmology (Study of the Universe). Are all these points correct?Absolutely not! All of these points are a complete lie and are blasphemies. Let us explain why: 1. There is one Enoch in the bible that was bad and another who was good and this book is from the good Enoch. FALSE TRUTH: Yes, the bible does say there was an Enoch born from the lineage of Cain (Gen. 4:17), and another Enoch born from the lineage of Seth (Gen. 5:18). It was the Enoch born from the lineage of Seth that was credited for “walking with God.” What does this have to do with the Book of Enoch? It is impossible to make the claim that the Enoch of Genesis 5, wrote the Book of Enoch. First, the Book of Enoch is not one book, but is actually five books that were written at various times from 300 BC to 200 AD and by various authors. Second, there are no quotes in the TANAKH (Old Testament) from the Book of Enoch and the Book was rejected by the Jews, who would have accepted it if it was truly written by Enoch (7th from Adam). 2. The Book of Enoch was once part of scripture but the Catholic Church removed it. FALSE TRUTH: This is completely false. The Book of Enoch was never accepted into the canon of scripture, with the exception of the small Orthodox Church in Ethiopia, which have over 81 books in their bible. Does this make them correct? There are many break-off churches today and even in ancient times. Just because the Ethiopic Bible contains the Book of Enoch and 80 other books, this alone is not a solid validation of truth, because one church puts multiple books in their own bible. If this was the true test then that would give validity to all the Books of the Mormon scriptures, which we know is a cult. Keep in mind that the Samaritans and the Essenes also broke off from the majority of Judaism and wrote their own books and created their own calendars that conflicted with mainstream Judaism. The Samaritans even built an alternate Temple that was later destroyed. Yet, Yeshua (Jesus) did not support the beliefs of the Samaritans or the Essenes. Yeshua (Jesus) continued to read from the Jewish Torah, worshipped in the Jewish Temple, followed the Jewish calendar and celebrated the Feast days as administered by the Jewish priests. Therefore, we must be careful what we adopt as truth and not follow error just because we think its “ancient truth.” You just might find yourself getting into “ancient error.” The Catholic Church was not the only one that made decisions on the canon of scriptures. A. The Masoretic Text (Old Testament) was formulated between 400 BC and 100 AD B. The Septuagint Text (Old Testament) was formulated between 3rd and 2nd Century BC All of these were decided by the Jewish people, long before the Catholic Church ever existed and NONE of these versions of the Hebrew scripture contained the Book of Enoch. During the Christian era, NO CHURCH, with the exception of the Ethiopian church, put the Book of Enoch in their bibles, but as we said this alone is not a true test of validity. However, what we do have are multiple witnesses that stand against the validity of the Book of Enoch. 3. Yeshua (Jesus) quoted from the Book of Enoch. FALSE TRUTH: This is another lie. We have seen the supposed quotes that the Book of Enoch advocates claim they found in the Gospels. All of these are very vague similarities to the Book of Enoch and take a lot of stretching and twisting of scripture to make them fit, or a whole lot of imagination to see any comparison to what Yeshua said in comparison to the content in the Book of Enoch. 4. The bible is incomplete without the Book of Enoch to explain certain events in more detail. FALSE TRUTH: This is outright blasphemy to make a claim that God’s Word is an incomplete revelation and that the Book of Enoch must fill in the gaps that God failed to provide. 5. The Book of Enoch gives us needed detail about the true biblical cosmology (Study of the Universe). FALSE TRUTH: The Book of Enoch describes a cosmology that is not supported by the scriptures (see our Flat-Earth is Not Biblical Page) and not supported by reality. Therefore, the Book of Enoch does not give us an inspired message or understanding of the true biblical cosmology. ConclusionThe Apostle Paul instructed us to stay away from fables (Titus 1:14), which is what the Book of Enoch is—Just a fable.
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