Tell The Truth! The Full Truth And Nothing But The Truth!
Flat Earthers Lie About Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
Flat-earthers posted a video of a little girl interviewing former astronaut Buzz Aldrin. The flat earther edited video ceated a false report about Buzz Aldrin and the moon landing.
The original video was about 17:23 minutes long, but flat-earthers only showed a small portion of the video (27 seconds) Out of the 27 second clip, flat-earthers claim Buzz Aldrin said we never went to the moon. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FLAT EARTHER EDITED VIDEOS.
The original video was about 17:23 minutes long, but flat-earthers only showed a small portion of the video (27 seconds) Out of the 27 second clip, flat-earthers claim Buzz Aldrin said we never went to the moon. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FLAT EARTHER EDITED VIDEOS.
Now listen to the full video, and you will hear Buzz Aldrin say he did go to the moon, which debunks the lie flat earthers created
Buzz Aldrin went to the moon and he didn't say we never went to the moon. Listen to what Buzz says at the very start of the video.
The little girl asked Buzz Aldrin why we never went back to the moon, and Buzz answered the girl based on the context of that question. Buzz explained we didn't go there (meaning go back to the moon), and if we want to continue to do something, then we need to know why something stopped (missions to the moon). How could Buzz mention the need to understand why something ended if flat-earthers claim Buzz said we never went? The whole flat-earther claim doesn't add up unless your brain and ears are only tuned to hear what you want to hear.
The flat-earther narrative does not make sense when you hear Aldrin's comments in full context. Flat-earthers need to stop spreading false reports because doing so or continuing to do so is a sin according to the Bible.
The little girl asked Buzz Aldrin why we never went back to the moon, and Buzz answered the girl based on the context of that question. Buzz explained we didn't go there (meaning go back to the moon), and if we want to continue to do something, then we need to know why something stopped (missions to the moon). How could Buzz mention the need to understand why something ended if flat-earthers claim Buzz said we never went? The whole flat-earther claim doesn't add up unless your brain and ears are only tuned to hear what you want to hear.
The flat-earther narrative does not make sense when you hear Aldrin's comments in full context. Flat-earthers need to stop spreading false reports because doing so or continuing to do so is a sin according to the Bible.
"Thou shalt not raise a false report..." Exodus 23:1
Flat-Earthers Argue Over Things That Are Not True
Flat earth memes are floating around the internet showing several versions of the globe over the course of years or decades. CLICK HERE
Flat-earthers typically put four to eight NASA images of the globe on one meme with land masses that vary in size. They then exploit the photo differences and claim, "NASA is fake and can't be trusted!!" Flat-earthers will point out differences in image colors from one photo to the next and ask you how is it possible for the earth to have different colors and sizes from one year to the next. They will repeatedly tell you NASA lies, NASA lies, NASA lies like it's a religious mantra. The goal of a flat-earther is to get you to doubt the photographic evidence that proves the earth is a globe. They want you to distrust NASA and believe in a global conspiracy which they claim "hides the truth" about their flat earth.
Do you know why Africa is larger in the 2012 photo than it is in the 1972 photo?
Because the photo in 1972 was taken by the Apollo 17 crew at a distance of 28,000 miles (45,062 kilometers) from earth.[1]
The photo in 2012 is a composite image taken from a satellite (512 miles above the earth) over several days.[2]
The satellite images from 2012 were stitched together and processed to create a perspective of what the earth would look like if a viewer saw it from 7,918 miles (12,742 kilometers) away. Did NASA lie about these images? No. In fact, not only did NASA fully disclose the facts about these images on their website, but they also explained how the 2012 image was processed layer by layer (see the references below and actually visit the pages).[3],[4]
A flat-earther will not explain to you why these images are different because they don't want you to know the truth -- That will mess up their narrative. They need you to be in ignorant and to doubt these photos are real because these photos are the strongest evidence to prove the flat earth is a fallacy. The only way they can get you to doubt the photos are real is if they get you to distrust the source, which are the employees of NASA.
Flat-earthers are either ignorant of how NASA employees photograph and process the images of the earth from space, or flat earthers are purposely deceptive and manipulative like every other cult. The ignorance part we can fix by simply telling flat-earthers to visit the NASA website so they can see the photo disclosures given by NASA for themselves. NASA gladly reveals how they take and process their photos. NASA shares the type of equipment they used and typically gives the distance the photo was taken from the earth. If NASA gives this full disclosure, how can flat-earthers honestly claim NASA is lying to us? Flat-earthers claim to live by the scriptures, but how can anyone claim to live by the scriptures and at the same time bear false witness against others? Get balanced information from trusted sources and you will begin to see lies being told in the flat earth movement. [5]
Don't be deceived by flat earth hype and deception. Look things up for yourself and stop relying on the deception and ignorance of others to educate yourself.
"If anyone teaches false doctrine and refuses to agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, and godly teaching, he is a conceited person and does not understand anything. He has an unhealthy craving for arguments and debates." 1 Timothy 6:3-4 ISV [6]
[1] 1972 Image:
[2] 2012 Image:
[3] How the 2012 image Was Processed:
[4]Article on the 2012 image:
[5] A Debunk Article on Flat-Earthers and NASA Earth Images:
[6] Scripture taken from the Holy Bible: International Standard Version®. Copyright © 1996-forever by The ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission.
Flat-earthers typically put four to eight NASA images of the globe on one meme with land masses that vary in size. They then exploit the photo differences and claim, "NASA is fake and can't be trusted!!" Flat-earthers will point out differences in image colors from one photo to the next and ask you how is it possible for the earth to have different colors and sizes from one year to the next. They will repeatedly tell you NASA lies, NASA lies, NASA lies like it's a religious mantra. The goal of a flat-earther is to get you to doubt the photographic evidence that proves the earth is a globe. They want you to distrust NASA and believe in a global conspiracy which they claim "hides the truth" about their flat earth.
Do you know why Africa is larger in the 2012 photo than it is in the 1972 photo?
Because the photo in 1972 was taken by the Apollo 17 crew at a distance of 28,000 miles (45,062 kilometers) from earth.[1]
The photo in 2012 is a composite image taken from a satellite (512 miles above the earth) over several days.[2]
The satellite images from 2012 were stitched together and processed to create a perspective of what the earth would look like if a viewer saw it from 7,918 miles (12,742 kilometers) away. Did NASA lie about these images? No. In fact, not only did NASA fully disclose the facts about these images on their website, but they also explained how the 2012 image was processed layer by layer (see the references below and actually visit the pages).[3],[4]
A flat-earther will not explain to you why these images are different because they don't want you to know the truth -- That will mess up their narrative. They need you to be in ignorant and to doubt these photos are real because these photos are the strongest evidence to prove the flat earth is a fallacy. The only way they can get you to doubt the photos are real is if they get you to distrust the source, which are the employees of NASA.
Flat-earthers are either ignorant of how NASA employees photograph and process the images of the earth from space, or flat earthers are purposely deceptive and manipulative like every other cult. The ignorance part we can fix by simply telling flat-earthers to visit the NASA website so they can see the photo disclosures given by NASA for themselves. NASA gladly reveals how they take and process their photos. NASA shares the type of equipment they used and typically gives the distance the photo was taken from the earth. If NASA gives this full disclosure, how can flat-earthers honestly claim NASA is lying to us? Flat-earthers claim to live by the scriptures, but how can anyone claim to live by the scriptures and at the same time bear false witness against others? Get balanced information from trusted sources and you will begin to see lies being told in the flat earth movement. [5]
Don't be deceived by flat earth hype and deception. Look things up for yourself and stop relying on the deception and ignorance of others to educate yourself.
"If anyone teaches false doctrine and refuses to agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, and godly teaching, he is a conceited person and does not understand anything. He has an unhealthy craving for arguments and debates." 1 Timothy 6:3-4 ISV [6]
[1] 1972 Image:
[2] 2012 Image:
[3] How the 2012 image Was Processed:
[4]Article on the 2012 image:
[5] A Debunk Article on Flat-Earthers and NASA Earth Images:
[6] Scripture taken from the Holy Bible: International Standard Version®. Copyright © 1996-forever by The ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission.
Watch this video:
Flat Earthers Will Turn The World Upside Down To Make You Hate NASA
The photo above is a 2015 NASA image of the earth taken by a camera aboard the Deep Space Climate Observatory Spacecraft. Take a good look at the image because we're going to show you what flat-earthers did to this image to make you distrust NASA employees.
Flat-earthers flipped the 2015 NASA photo of the globe upside down and then made a false claim that NASA wrote SEX and 666 in the clouds
Basically, someone with a vivid imagination and a lot of time to waste, created propaganda to make the employees of NASA look bad so that you develop a distrust for NASA and a distrust for NASA photos of the globe. This tactic is not only dishonest, but also very wicked. I think this sends a clear message of the character and mindset of flat-earthers that use this type of tactic to slander others based on false assumptions and false evidence.
This is far from legitimate evidence against NASA because this is nothing more than blaming NASA employees with false evidence that flat-earthers themselves manufactured by manipulating a photo. Again, flat-earthers should be made aware that this is a clear violation of God's word. Exodus 23:1 states:
"Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness."
Here is a Google search so you can see some of these manipulated photos created by flat-earthers CLICK HERE
Basically, someone with a vivid imagination and a lot of time to waste, created propaganda to make the employees of NASA look bad so that you develop a distrust for NASA and a distrust for NASA photos of the globe. This tactic is not only dishonest, but also very wicked. I think this sends a clear message of the character and mindset of flat-earthers that use this type of tactic to slander others based on false assumptions and false evidence.
This is far from legitimate evidence against NASA because this is nothing more than blaming NASA employees with false evidence that flat-earthers themselves manufactured by manipulating a photo. Again, flat-earthers should be made aware that this is a clear violation of God's word. Exodus 23:1 states:
"Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness."
Here is a Google search so you can see some of these manipulated photos created by flat-earthers CLICK HERE
Flat-Earthers Claim NASA means "Deceive" in Hebrew
Flat-earthers are spreading around a lie that claims NASA means "deceive" in Hebrew. Many of these same flat-earthers are also making anti-Semitic comments and claiming NASA is being run by a Jewish conspiracy, which runs counter to the other flat-earthers that insist NASA is a NAZI conspiracy. It appears flat-earthers can't get their stories straight.
Nevertheless, flat-earthers have started this false report about NASA meaning "deceive" in Hebrew, and you will see this proclaimed on their websites and videos. Flat-earthers all believe they're on the side of righteousness, but the sin of bearing false witness comes easy for many flat earth crusaders. See their images Click HERE.
First, we need to understand that NASA is not a word, it's an acronym, which is an abbreviated form of a name that takes the first letter from each word like FBI stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. N.A.S.A. stands for The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Second, they are using Roman letters of the Hebrew, which is used to make Hebrew pronunciation easier for non-Hebrew speakers. So, "NASA" is not really Hebrew.
Third, Flat-earthers use Strong's H5377 to back their claim. However, when you go to Strong's H5377 you get "Nasha" pronounced (Naw-Shaw) and not NASA. Nasha is a root word associated with other Hebrew words that can mean beguiled or deceive, but none of those words come close to looking like NASA. See for yourself:
Genesis 3:13 - "Hissiani" = Tricked Me
2 Kings 18:29 - "Yassi" = Deceive
Isaiah 37:10 - "Yassiaka" = Deceive
Does hissiani, yassi or yassiaka look like NASA? Of course not, but flat-earthers insist they look and sound like "NASA." It seems like flat-earthers are the ones deceived or they're trying to deceive us. Perhaps they thought we wouldn't check it out for ourselves and just believe everything we hear on the internet like they do.
Finally, there are two verbs in Hebrew that are "NASA," Strong's H5265 for "Journeyed" and Strong's H5375, "NASA" (H5375), which is a root for words associated with lifting up, carrying, bearing, or marriage. Neither of the two NASA verbs, Strong's H5265 or H5375, have any association with deception as flat-earthers claim. However, Strong's H5375 "NASA" is found in Exodus 23:1, which says:
"You must not pass along false rumors..." NLT
Exodus 23:1 is not only good advice but also a commandment directly from our creator, which flat-earthers should obey!
Nevertheless, flat-earthers have started this false report about NASA meaning "deceive" in Hebrew, and you will see this proclaimed on their websites and videos. Flat-earthers all believe they're on the side of righteousness, but the sin of bearing false witness comes easy for many flat earth crusaders. See their images Click HERE.
First, we need to understand that NASA is not a word, it's an acronym, which is an abbreviated form of a name that takes the first letter from each word like FBI stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. N.A.S.A. stands for The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Second, they are using Roman letters of the Hebrew, which is used to make Hebrew pronunciation easier for non-Hebrew speakers. So, "NASA" is not really Hebrew.
Third, Flat-earthers use Strong's H5377 to back their claim. However, when you go to Strong's H5377 you get "Nasha" pronounced (Naw-Shaw) and not NASA. Nasha is a root word associated with other Hebrew words that can mean beguiled or deceive, but none of those words come close to looking like NASA. See for yourself:
Genesis 3:13 - "Hissiani" = Tricked Me
2 Kings 18:29 - "Yassi" = Deceive
Isaiah 37:10 - "Yassiaka" = Deceive
Does hissiani, yassi or yassiaka look like NASA? Of course not, but flat-earthers insist they look and sound like "NASA." It seems like flat-earthers are the ones deceived or they're trying to deceive us. Perhaps they thought we wouldn't check it out for ourselves and just believe everything we hear on the internet like they do.
Finally, there are two verbs in Hebrew that are "NASA," Strong's H5265 for "Journeyed" and Strong's H5375, "NASA" (H5375), which is a root for words associated with lifting up, carrying, bearing, or marriage. Neither of the two NASA verbs, Strong's H5265 or H5375, have any association with deception as flat-earthers claim. However, Strong's H5375 "NASA" is found in Exodus 23:1, which says:
"You must not pass along false rumors..." NLT
Exodus 23:1 is not only good advice but also a commandment directly from our creator, which flat-earthers should obey!
Flat-Earthers Will Judge You Guilty By Association
According to flat-earthers, if you believe the earth is a globe then that also means you believe in the big bang theory and evolution. This deceptive tactic is an attempt to shame you and label you a denier of biblical creation. Here's how this flawed logic and argument works:
Person A - Is an atheist that believes the earth is a globe. However, "A" also believes humans came from monkeys and believes the universe started from a big bang.
Person B (You) - Believes the earth is a globe. Therefore, "B" (You), must also believe in evolution and the big bang theory like "A" does.
This is how the mind of a flat-earther works.
This is known as a "guilt by association ad hominem" which is tying two groups together because they may share a similar belief. This is like saying criminals use guns when they commit crimes, therefore if you own a gun you're a criminal, or saying atheists read books, so if you read books you're an atheist. Do you see the silliness of their argument?
We cannot judge people based on the color of their skin, their country of origin, or language. In the same way, we can't judge someone simply because they believe in a proven fact about the earth. The earth is a globe! It's proven fact! Just because an atheist believes the earth is a globe does not make another person an atheist because they believe in the same truth about our planet. Flat-earthers are making an unrighteous judgement, which is what Christ told us NOT to do. Guilt by association is making an unrighteous judgement based on appearance without facts. Here is a word from Christ for flat-earthers:
"Stop judging by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment!" John 7:24 ISV
Person A - Is an atheist that believes the earth is a globe. However, "A" also believes humans came from monkeys and believes the universe started from a big bang.
Person B (You) - Believes the earth is a globe. Therefore, "B" (You), must also believe in evolution and the big bang theory like "A" does.
This is how the mind of a flat-earther works.
This is known as a "guilt by association ad hominem" which is tying two groups together because they may share a similar belief. This is like saying criminals use guns when they commit crimes, therefore if you own a gun you're a criminal, or saying atheists read books, so if you read books you're an atheist. Do you see the silliness of their argument?
We cannot judge people based on the color of their skin, their country of origin, or language. In the same way, we can't judge someone simply because they believe in a proven fact about the earth. The earth is a globe! It's proven fact! Just because an atheist believes the earth is a globe does not make another person an atheist because they believe in the same truth about our planet. Flat-earthers are making an unrighteous judgement, which is what Christ told us NOT to do. Guilt by association is making an unrighteous judgement based on appearance without facts. Here is a word from Christ for flat-earthers:
"Stop judging by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment!" John 7:24 ISV
Beware of Flat Earth Pseudo-Science And Claims of Conspiracies
The Flat-Earther Who Tried To Debunk The Expert
If you have seen one or more flat earth videos or talked with a flat-earther you may have been exposed to their illogical logic and pseudo-science. They love to elevate themselves above the trained experts and brag about their poorly executed "experiments." I saw one flat earth guru play a video of a trained and highly qualified linguistic expert that was fluent in Greek and Hebrew. In the video, the expert accurately debunked the flat earth gurus misinterpretation of the Hebrew text. The flat earth gurus belittled the legitimate credentials of this expert and discounted the value of the expert's college education. The guru cried out how wrong the expert was but never gave a reason why the expert was wrong. The flat earth guru states: "I am just a guy who reads books" but he claims to knows more than the trained expert. However, I am pretty sure if this FE guru ever needs surgery he is going to search out college trained doctors and would never consider an unqualified guy "who just reads books."
I know that college educated "experts" can get it wrong sometimes, but if these experts are giving you facts, then don't attack their credentials. Debunk their facts with better facts if you can. Flat-earthers are incapable of doing this because they don't have legitimate facts for anything they claim.
The Flat Earth Preacher Who Preached A Paranoid Message
A flat earth preacher was trying to convince his congregation that NASA is lying to them about satellites. He claims that satellites can't be real because they would melt from the extreme heat in the thermosphere of space. He listed the temperature of the thermosphere (the extreme temps of course and not the average tempts) and he listed the melting point of the material used on a satellite, followed by shouts of "they're lying to you!!"
Here's what the flat earth preacher failed to tell his congregation:
1. Satellites are designed with protective layers and they can reduce the amount of absorbed radiation, cold, and heat. [7], [8],
2. He failed to explain to his congregation that the thermosphere may have particles at high temperatures (moving quickly) but this layer actually has low heat. These tiny heat particles floating in this layer can't radiate enough heat to melt a satellite because there are so few particles in the vacuum of this layer.
An over-simplified example: Think of the thermosphere as a plate of food and the high-temperature particles in the thermosphere as cayenne powder. If you only put a few grains of cayenne on your plate of food it really won't make the food hot because there's just not enough cayenne to make an impact. The same is true with the thermosphere, it may contain racing particles at high speeds (high-temperatures) but since these particles are so few and far between they can't heat up the thermosphere enough to melt a satellite or spacecraft. In fact, there are so few of these particles that the thermosphere is actually cold. This truth debunks the preacher's false claim about melting satellites. (See the resources below for further explanation [9], [10], [11])
This preacher was calling the employees of NASA liars, not based off facts or evidence of any deception on the part of NASA, but simply based on the preachers own ignorance of the facts and science.
This is what happens when you put little value on education. Actually, science and education can be a valuable tool in proving the accuracy of the Bible when one knows how to use science properly. Archaeology, botany, physics, math, and astronomy can also be used to prove the Bible is true. Space can be a fascinating journey into discovering the depths of God's creation. However, flat-earther's reject modern science to their own detriment.
This flat earth preacher should stop making false accusations against the employees that manufacture, launch, and use satellites. Perhaps he should repent of spreading false information to his congregation and on the internet. He should stop preaching from his ignorance, stop bearing false witness, and stop twisting the Bible. He should also stop planting fear in his people and those who may listen to his message on the internet.
The main point to remember is to never trust the experiments, conclusions, or logic of any flat-earther. Expand your horizon and seek out scientific truth from multiple sources. Always check what a flat-earther says. When a flat-earther like this preacher states satellites will melt in space, then search online: "why don't satellites melt in space." Don't fall for the lies and deception of flat-earthers. Verify everything they say!
Read This Website To See Flat Earth Pseudo-Science Get Debunked - Click Here
"The LORD has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, "Don't call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don't live in dread of what frightens them." Isaiah 8:11-12 NLT
If you have seen one or more flat earth videos or talked with a flat-earther you may have been exposed to their illogical logic and pseudo-science. They love to elevate themselves above the trained experts and brag about their poorly executed "experiments." I saw one flat earth guru play a video of a trained and highly qualified linguistic expert that was fluent in Greek and Hebrew. In the video, the expert accurately debunked the flat earth gurus misinterpretation of the Hebrew text. The flat earth gurus belittled the legitimate credentials of this expert and discounted the value of the expert's college education. The guru cried out how wrong the expert was but never gave a reason why the expert was wrong. The flat earth guru states: "I am just a guy who reads books" but he claims to knows more than the trained expert. However, I am pretty sure if this FE guru ever needs surgery he is going to search out college trained doctors and would never consider an unqualified guy "who just reads books."
I know that college educated "experts" can get it wrong sometimes, but if these experts are giving you facts, then don't attack their credentials. Debunk their facts with better facts if you can. Flat-earthers are incapable of doing this because they don't have legitimate facts for anything they claim.
The Flat Earth Preacher Who Preached A Paranoid Message
A flat earth preacher was trying to convince his congregation that NASA is lying to them about satellites. He claims that satellites can't be real because they would melt from the extreme heat in the thermosphere of space. He listed the temperature of the thermosphere (the extreme temps of course and not the average tempts) and he listed the melting point of the material used on a satellite, followed by shouts of "they're lying to you!!"
Here's what the flat earth preacher failed to tell his congregation:
1. Satellites are designed with protective layers and they can reduce the amount of absorbed radiation, cold, and heat. [7], [8],
2. He failed to explain to his congregation that the thermosphere may have particles at high temperatures (moving quickly) but this layer actually has low heat. These tiny heat particles floating in this layer can't radiate enough heat to melt a satellite because there are so few particles in the vacuum of this layer.
An over-simplified example: Think of the thermosphere as a plate of food and the high-temperature particles in the thermosphere as cayenne powder. If you only put a few grains of cayenne on your plate of food it really won't make the food hot because there's just not enough cayenne to make an impact. The same is true with the thermosphere, it may contain racing particles at high speeds (high-temperatures) but since these particles are so few and far between they can't heat up the thermosphere enough to melt a satellite or spacecraft. In fact, there are so few of these particles that the thermosphere is actually cold. This truth debunks the preacher's false claim about melting satellites. (See the resources below for further explanation [9], [10], [11])
This preacher was calling the employees of NASA liars, not based off facts or evidence of any deception on the part of NASA, but simply based on the preachers own ignorance of the facts and science.
This is what happens when you put little value on education. Actually, science and education can be a valuable tool in proving the accuracy of the Bible when one knows how to use science properly. Archaeology, botany, physics, math, and astronomy can also be used to prove the Bible is true. Space can be a fascinating journey into discovering the depths of God's creation. However, flat-earther's reject modern science to their own detriment.
This flat earth preacher should stop making false accusations against the employees that manufacture, launch, and use satellites. Perhaps he should repent of spreading false information to his congregation and on the internet. He should stop preaching from his ignorance, stop bearing false witness, and stop twisting the Bible. He should also stop planting fear in his people and those who may listen to his message on the internet.
The main point to remember is to never trust the experiments, conclusions, or logic of any flat-earther. Expand your horizon and seek out scientific truth from multiple sources. Always check what a flat-earther says. When a flat-earther like this preacher states satellites will melt in space, then search online: "why don't satellites melt in space." Don't fall for the lies and deception of flat-earthers. Verify everything they say!
Read This Website To See Flat Earth Pseudo-Science Get Debunked - Click Here
"The LORD has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, "Don't call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don't live in dread of what frightens them." Isaiah 8:11-12 NLT
Don't Trust Flat-Earther Experiments
We have watched many flat-earther experiments, and 99% of their experiments are flawed. You need to look at their experiments like a magic act and try to figure out how the magicians did the trick. Very few flat-earthers have a scientific background or education, so they have no clue about the proper protocols that are needed to conduct an experiment.
Often times, flat-earthers will conduct an experiment based on the globe earth model and not based on their flat earth model. Many do this out of ignorance, some because they don't understand their own flat earth model, and others may be an act of deception. So, be on the alert!
Ask questions. Does the experiment match the conditions of reality? Does the experiment match their claims about the flat earth or the globe? Do they accurately duplicate previous conditions they're trying to test? Are the props they use to scale? What sources do they cite to back their claims? Are these sources reliable? What type of photographic or measuring equipment do they use? Do they figure in, isolate or narrow the variables that could affect the results? Do they test their own experiments multiple times to confirm results or test it under different conditions? Are there unusual props being used? Are there blind spots in observation or unusual camera views? Did they collect their data properly? If they posted a video what do the critical comments say? Are the critical comments pointing out legitimate flaws with the experiments? Can you duplicate the experiment yourself to test the results?
The majority of these flat earth experiments are conducted by amateurs, so there is a very high probability of error or bias in the results. Therefore, take these flat-earther "experiments" with a grain of salt and put little value on them.
"... Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge." 1 Timothy 6:20 NLT
Often times, flat-earthers will conduct an experiment based on the globe earth model and not based on their flat earth model. Many do this out of ignorance, some because they don't understand their own flat earth model, and others may be an act of deception. So, be on the alert!
Ask questions. Does the experiment match the conditions of reality? Does the experiment match their claims about the flat earth or the globe? Do they accurately duplicate previous conditions they're trying to test? Are the props they use to scale? What sources do they cite to back their claims? Are these sources reliable? What type of photographic or measuring equipment do they use? Do they figure in, isolate or narrow the variables that could affect the results? Do they test their own experiments multiple times to confirm results or test it under different conditions? Are there unusual props being used? Are there blind spots in observation or unusual camera views? Did they collect their data properly? If they posted a video what do the critical comments say? Are the critical comments pointing out legitimate flaws with the experiments? Can you duplicate the experiment yourself to test the results?
The majority of these flat earth experiments are conducted by amateurs, so there is a very high probability of error or bias in the results. Therefore, take these flat-earther "experiments" with a grain of salt and put little value on them.
"... Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge." 1 Timothy 6:20 NLT
Final Conclusion
Beware of the lies, deception, ignorance, and trickery of flat-earthers. They pretty much have everything wrong about science, earth, nature, space, history, and the Bible. Although they may appear right and put on a good video performance or dazzle you with their terminology, they are still preaching and teaching false doctrines, lies, and false accusations against innocent people. Their whole belief system is based on fear, doubt, and sin (bearing false witness and spreading false reports).
"Woe to the wise in their own eyes, And -- before their own faces -- intelligent!" Isaiah 5:21 YLT
"Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil." Proverbs 3:7 KJV
"Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth." Proverbs 19:2
"Thou shalt not raise a false report..." Exodus 23:1 KJV
1 Timothy 6:20 tells us to avoid profane and empty babbling and the arguments from fake science that opposes true knowledge. Flat earth pseudo-science fits that description. Avoid it and steer others away from it.
"Woe to the wise in their own eyes, And -- before their own faces -- intelligent!" Isaiah 5:21 YLT
"Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil." Proverbs 3:7 KJV
"Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth." Proverbs 19:2
"Thou shalt not raise a false report..." Exodus 23:1 KJV
1 Timothy 6:20 tells us to avoid profane and empty babbling and the arguments from fake science that opposes true knowledge. Flat earth pseudo-science fits that description. Avoid it and steer others away from it.
Getting Flat-Earthers Out of their Delusion and Preventing Others From Falling In This Trap
Pray hard that flat-earthers wake up from this error and delusion. Never stop feeding them the truth. Oppose the spread of this teaching. Educate the masses to prevent people from getting caught up in this wicked teaching that brings mockery to the Bible. Share our website with others. Defend the TRUTH and defeat the LIES!
Our website will either be used to deliver people from lies or if people refuse the truth, this website will stand as a witness against them in the day of judgment. Flat-earthers are without excuse, so they cannot say they were never warned about the dangers of flat earth doctrines and the sin of promoting flat earth teachings.
Our website will either be used to deliver people from lies or if people refuse the truth, this website will stand as a witness against them in the day of judgment. Flat-earthers are without excuse, so they cannot say they were never warned about the dangers of flat earth doctrines and the sin of promoting flat earth teachings.
Translations Used:
NLT: Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserve.
ISV: Scripture taken from the Holy Bible: International Standard Version®. Copyright © 1996-forever by The ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission.
Translations Used:
NLT: Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserve.
ISV: Scripture taken from the Holy Bible: International Standard Version®. Copyright © 1996-forever by The ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. Used by permission.